more bullets. he was trying to shoot more people. two men according to the sheriff grabbed the gun away from loughner and tackled him and that is when was in custody with authorities soon after that. as for the second person they are esectionly discounting that he was a part of the shooting but do want to talk to him because he showed up in the photograph walking into the safeway near gerald lee loughner. we are back with former counter terrorism chief with the fbi steve pomerantz and stuart baker a former official in the department of homeland security. stuart, you listened to that, barring the political stuff, this investigation is digging deep. they are going to go into e-mails, they are really going to try to dig into who this character has come in contact with? we, the worst says here is if it were a terrorist conspiracy. not much evidence of that but all the leads have to be
mueller is at the pima county sheriff s department giving us a briefing. we did learn a lot. the suspect, gerald lee loughner in custody will face formal federal charges this afternoon for the assault on congresswoman gabrielle giffords. the killing of one staff member and assault on other staff members and the killing of a federal district judge. we also learned that the second person that they are thinking about on this person of interest, the picture you saw of that 40 to 50-year-old man was seen caulk into the safeway there in tucson with loughner to the point where federal authorities believe he might be with loughner, traveling with loughner. they want to know who it buy it is and they want who this guy is and they want to talk to him. they are not calling him a suspect. loughner attended a similar event to the congressman on your corner event in 2007.