TUE/10-17 Canfield Mahoning County Public Health Finance Committee, 8:30 a.m., Canfield Fairgrounds Administration Building Mahoning County Career and Tech
Residents in the Austin neighborhood are continuing to voice their opposition to a plan to move migrants into the fieldhouse at Amundsen Park, with a new legal.
MON/10-16 Alliance Teen Book Club for ages 12-18, 4 p.m., Rodman Public Library; bring favorite YA book or two to share with the group; information at 330-8
MON/10-16 Alliance Teen Book Club for ages 12-18, 4 p.m., Rodman Public Library; bring favorite YA book or two to share with the group; information at 330-821-2665, ext. 213. Maker Monday at Rodman Public Library, 6 p.m., main auditorium; featuring a Halloween scene; register at 330-821-2665 or rodmanlibrary.com Columbiana Adult STEM program featuring the phases […]
Salem HS Band holding fruit sale The Salem High School “Pride of Salem Marching Band” is holding its annual fruit sale through Oct. 31 featuring assorted boxes of Pee Jay’s Fresh Fruit which includes California navel and Florida juice oranges, tangelos, red grapefruit, Red Delicious apples, Anjou pears, golden pineapples, trio and citrus mix boxes, […]