La morte della Regina Elisabetta II non ha rappresentato solo motivo di cordoglio: è stata anche carburante per la fantasia dei complottisti. L’ultima .
breaking experiments. but now they have it. the company, suitably named colossal, aim to return thousands of mammoth like beasts to their original siberian habitat, with $15 million of new funding that has flooded in from some unlikely sources. let s bring in the two founders of colossal, entrepreneur ben lamm, and geneticist george church. we all see if we can get george church. we all see if we can get george church- wei we all see if we can get george - church- we got church. i m here, i m here. we got georie. church. i m here, i m here. we got george- will church. i m here, i m here. we got george. will see church. i m here, i m here. we got george. will see if church. i m here, i m here. we got george. will see if we church. i m here, i m here. we got george. will see if we can - church. i m here, i m here. we got george. will see if we can bring . church. i m here, i m here. we got| george. will see if we can bring him in. let s george. will see if we can bring him i
I No vax nelle ultime ore hanno messo in giro un ennesima bufala: Raffaella Carrà sarebbe morta per il vaccino ma, naturalmente, si tratta solo di fantasie. La .
In questi ultimi giorni, gli Stati Uniti d America stanno vivendo una nuova crisi COVID: i casi sono aumentati vertiginosamente e la situazione negli ospedali .
Mentre ci si avvicina al ventesimo anniversario degli attacchi terroristici alle Torri gemelle, si moltiplicano .