mark: we have two greatgr guestsea, douglas murray brilliant scholar, writer and gordon chang. we want to look at a number of issues.en in thitas new year, two no better people.fore but, joe biden wants this election to be about hitler versus georgs e washingtoning, . he is george washington and s hitler, thei democrat party uses hitler t card ahes much as race card r anacd all their cards, theyhe called barry goldwater hit lear and they called believe bee d they don t call hitler, they don t call president xi hitler or putin hitler or the iran hitler or the head of hamas or hezbollah hitler it s only conservatives and republicans were hitler. it s pretty sick. for the holocaust survivors on behalf of the nation, our nation i want to apologize to you, the way the democrat party in the media throw around the word hitler. when you look at your arms and you see burned numbers into your flesh and you know who hitler was in to watch the likes of msnbc and cnn at the pages of the n
mark: we have two greatgr guestsea, douglas murray brilliant scholar, writer and gordon chang. we want to look at a number of issues.en in thitas new year, two no better people.fore but, joe biden wants this election to be about hitler versus georgs e washingtoning, . he is george washington and s hitler, thei democrat party uses hitler t card ahes much as race card r anacd all their cards, theyhe called barry goldwater hit lear and they called believe bee d