VERNON, Calif. (PRUnderground) February 22nd, 2021
Returning to South Georgia Motor Sports Park (SGMP) in Adel on February 25-28 with radial tires and 3500 horses in tow, Coast Packing Company’s R&E Racing will uncork its ’69 Noonan Hemi ProCharger Pro Mod Camaro at Duck X Productions’ “LightsOut 12” (, with “takeout or delivery” #FatMap229. For the event, Coast CEO Eric R. “Goose” Gustafson will yield the wheel to veteran driver Jason Lee.
Showcasing the “baddest Radial vs. the World” cars, Duck X Productions LLC will welcome R&E Racing’s return to Adel, just months after its appearance in October’s Sweet 16 3.0 and its runner-up finish at SGMP at “No Mercy,” the week after Sweet 16 3.0 – “a pretty incredible feat considering it was the first time the car raced on Radial tires,” Gustafson says.