the president is likeable and a couple good jobs report will help him. it is night ratight race and pel decide on who they think will be a better leader in that regard going forward. we ve never seen a differential this large between the likability of the president and unlikebility of underwater numbers for romney. never seen a major party nominee as unliked as romney is. so this is a huge differential between these. i want to throw in another statistic. in last five elections, gallup says the candidate with the greatest gavebility rating which may be slightly different from the likability, but the greatest favorability always wins in the last five elections. we are talking four of last five are rock stars to their fans from reagan, clinton, bush and obama. i think there is something to this likability thing, don t you think? i think you re right in terms of personal favorability. as we know with presidents
richard nixon was an beacon. george walker herbert bush was capable but no one swooned. you remember the vision thing. steve will probably remember this. he definitely does. the vision deficit and thousand point of light we used to joke about it. and george, you know, george w. bush still couldn t put three sent e7bss together in the 2000 campaign and wasn t very articulate. aep al gore who didn t know who he was and constantly trying to reinvent himself, he won the popular vote even though he didn t win the election. plenty for not the most engaging inspirational candidate winning the big races, it is possible it could happen. it is a matter of where voters are over the next six weeks. guys, 30 seconds, drucker
facing tough economic head winds or political head winds. what i watch for is not so much job approval but the president getting elected around 47, 48%, maybe even 46. but does it stay above 50% p. the the minute you are below 50%, it means you may be on the verge of losing the american people all together. we saw that with mr. bush. when the country was finished with him, his personal favorites within which were always high, dipped when low 50% and never recovered. what we don t know and haven t seen in the last five presidents, we haven t seen a president running for election with 8.3% unemployment, a huge underemployment population. so it is really in a sense, we re in unchart chaed waters.
i think there is something likability may be related to, and that is the length of time a person or his party controlled the white house. this is obama ae first term. i think there a tendency and some political scientists to back this up, there a tendency to like an incumbent more in the first term and party s first term and to not want it give up on that incumbent or that party. george bush senior 1992 was a likeable guy but 12 rules of republican rule and you had high unem plo ununemployment, economic anxiety, and it was just, let s just give up. here, it s only been four years, one term, and clear likability. so a t is worth a pointer there two, people who don t want to give up this soon. well, there is something to
latinos. should they be focused more on working class white guys, like joe biden? kryatal, i think thursday night you will hear the vice president and president talk to those blue collar working americans. you know, they have been voting against their economic interest for a long while and the different plans, economic plans, romney plan which is basically trickle down economics which didn t work for president bush within and really hasn t worked for the last 50 or 60 years is a plan that will put significant investment and infrastructure and the blue collar whites are in construction, in manufacturing. it will do a broad energy initiative that will put people back to work, invest in research and development. those are the things that those blue collar voters have to keep their ears open for because that s the way it get back it work. at the same time, we are reducing the deficit. we ve got to continue to invest in things that will recharge