tricks were that were played against john mccain. including the viciously racist flyers about him and his family that nobody ever really claimed responsibility for but turned up at just the right time before the vote. the george w. bush campaign in that contest that year, honestly, they decided they were going to go hard right, they decided they would hit the race button really, really hard and nay knew exactly what they were doing including when they decided to put their candidate at bob jones university in south carolina less than two weeks before that primary. evangelist bob jones founded the school 73 years ago for whites only. today many say his grandson, bob jones, iii, runs it as if it were still 1927 with only one policy change other races are now welcomed at its campus, but no interracial dating or marriage is permitted and no homosexuals. and in what many see as the epitome of religio intolerance, the school s
john mccain is not only a veteran but a nationally-famous war hero. he was pretty much guaranteed to win in that state because of those things. but in context, because mccain had just upset bush in new hampshire, well, then if he goes on to win a second big state after that, that would have been a huge deal in terms of the momentum in the race, changing the narrative, upending expectations, the bush campaign absolutely knew that, so they went into win at all costs mode. in south carolina. that
republican primary in south carolina. and it thereby helped him put away john mccain and win the presidency. and forever george w. bush will have to drag that hard as part of his legacy because it wasn t like he didn t know what he was getting into. it wasn t like he didn t know he was going a school that had an enforced apartheid regimen where the school literally regulated who you date by race. he knew exactly what he was doing when he went to bob jones university. it was a well-known thing about that school. when george w. bush s dad had been vice president, the reagan administration had, in fact, gone to court to defend bob jones university and specifically to defend its right to ban interracial dating among its students. even while it still got tax exemptions from the irs as a school. bob jones university is a fundamentalist christian college that believes the bible prohibits interracial marriage. interracial dating is forbidden,
it wasn t like he didn t know he was going a school that had an enforced apartheid regimen where the school literally regulated who you date by race. he knew exactly what he was doing when he went to bob jones university. it was a well-known thing about that school. when george w. bush s dad had been vice president, the reagan administration had, in fact, gone to court to defend bob jones university and specifically to defend its right to ban interracial dating among its students. even while it still got tax exemptions from the irs as a school. bob jones university is a fundamentalist christian college that believes the bible prohibits interracial marriage. interracial dating is forbidden, a racial restriction that led the internal revenue service, responding to previous court decisions, to take away the university s tax exemption. the school responded by getting president reagan to overrule internal revenue. the internal revenue service
leaders have described claeks as member catholics as members of a cult and the pope as dangerous leader. it was here that george w. bush came in search of votes after he lost the new hampshire primary. i d have gone to bob jones university but i d have looked them straight into the face and said you better get into modern times and do away with this disgraceful policy of yours banning interracial dating and your attacks on the pope and the catholics, it s disgraceful. that s what i would have said at bob jones university. let me show you what mr. jones current thinking is and put it on the screen because this is disturbing. we believe the lord god created races with distinctions and that races are meant to be separate from one another, we basically accept there are three races, caucasians, negroes, orientals, caucasians can t date orientals, orientals can t date caucasians and neither can date negroes. well, i disagree with that. bob jones university is opposed to intermar