The Georgetown Heckler, a humor and satire magazine based at Georgetown University, has faced criticism after members drew butts on their foreheads in Red Square on Feb. 14, in celebration of what they called “Ass Wednesday.” The Heckler, which is student-run but unaffiliated with Georgetown University, organized the display to satirically commemorate Ash Wednesday, the.
The Georgetown Heckler, a humor and satire magazine based at Georgetown University, has faced criticism after members drew butts on their foreheads in Red Square on Feb. 14, in celebration of what they called “Ass Wednesday.” The Heckler, which is student-run but unaffiliated with Georgetown University, organized the display to satirically commemorate Ash Wednesday, the.
The decade-long hunt captured the world's attention, but when it finally ended in June, everyone still wanted to know: Who had solved the mystery? This week, as legal proceedings threaten his anonymity, a 32-year-old medical student is ready to go on the record.