(Archived document, may contain errors) 402 January 8, 1985 THE FEDERAL TAX DEBATE HOW MUCH SHOULD CORPORATIONS PAY I NTRODUCT I ON the field of taxation. It. is uncertain for example, who pays the corporate income tax or whether there is justification for levying it.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 67 October 25, 1978 AN ANALYSIS OF THE CARTER ANTI-INFLA TION PROGRAM THE ISSUE One of the few sounds that has been heard above the rumble of rising prices is the angry cry for an inflation policy. The past redistribution of wealth and the promise of future income distortions have prompted a unanimous and relentless clamor for action. President Carter's responseto the call was presented October 24, 1978, in the form of voluntary wage and price controls and government restraint.