Area. Presently maggies Family Child Care located in the Richmond District as i stated is limited to large capacity license thus unable to expand seeking parents seeking quality child care with a preschool environment accompanied with a bilingual program that were adding to it, mandarin specifically and the property at 1984 great highway will meet this area need. The waiting list is extremely long and i know it sounds ridiculous but its up to two years because of the high demand and mostly its the bilingual program theyre seeking. At this time there are many parents introducing their children to programs with mandarin with english and its determined through interviews and emails and networking through other child care providers. The uses desirable and provide a vital resource for the residents of the neighborhood and those parents that need someone to maintain custody of their children while they are working. We will live here at the Child Care Center general license requirements of th
Conditions. Second. On that motion commissioners commissioner. Aye. Commissioner. Aye. Commissioner. Aye. Commissioner. Aye. Commissioner. Aye. Commissioner aye. Commissioner president fong. Aye. That motion passes six to zero. Commissioners that places you on item 15a and b at 1984 great highway. Request for conditional use and the Zoning Administrator will consider a parking variation. Good afternoon commissioner s. Before is a conditional use authorization and change from church to child care facility and operating as growing tree childcare and providing obamacare located within the zone and residential zoning district. Coastal permit application was filed for the project and found later not required. Lot contains a two Story Building constructed in 1906 and known resource listed in the survey. According to the records the property was owned by dennis chief engineer of the San Francisco Fire Department and sold in 1947 to the church of scrieft scientists who modified the interior of
Commission president fong. Aye. That passes unanimously. Next is case 14 at 2001 3rd street. Request for conditional use theoriesation. Good afternoon commissioners. I am michelle from the planning staff. This is a conditional use permit from at t to install a facility at 200130 and at mariposa and 3rd street. At t proposes instillation up to nine an tenss and mounted on the screen and match the existing building and minimally visible and there is one on the northwest corner that will be removed as part of this project this is preferred location site. Staff received 25 emails and opposed to the project based on health concerns. Impact on the property and visibility of the project and blocked views and request for additional information. In response to that at t arranged a another meeting this week and give information on the proposed project. Staff has received four letters in support of the project and i am available for questions if needed. Thank you. Project sponsor. Good afternoon
Children while they are working. We will live here at the Child Care Center general license requirements of the state. According to our research provided by social services and Community Care licensing there are only 13 preschools in this zip code and no preschools from the great highway to 42nd avenue. In addition according to the recent census taken 71 are considered working parents which means this is a percentage requiring day care. What our concerns relating to the neighbors and how will we address these concerns . The primary concerns we believe the neighbors should have addressed for operating on our day care preschool are alterations to the existing structure, parking, and noise. First of all in recognizing the structure as a Historical Building landmark we have no intention of altering any building or structure under the local government as such a structure, so we agree there is going to be no alterations or modifications to the exterior of the building. Again we would never c
Will meet this area need. The waiting list is extremely long and i know it sounds ridiculous but its up to two years because of the high demand and mostly its the bilingual program theyre seeking. At this time there are many parents introducing their children to programs with mandarin with english and its determined through interviews and emails and networking through other child care providers. The uses desirable and provide a vital resource for the residents of the neighborhood and those parents that need someone to maintain custody of their children while they are working. We will live here at the Child Care Center general license requirements of the state. According to our research provided by social services and Community Care licensing there are only 13 preschools in this zip code and no preschools from the great highway to 42nd avenue. In addition according to the recent census taken 71 are considered working parents which means this is a percentage requiring day care. What our