by Anura Gunasekera
Sujit Canagaretna, in a moving and masterful appreciation of Scott Dirckze, written soon after the latter’s demise in November 2019, has, in the opening paragraph itself, perfectly summed up the multi-faceted man whom he had known from childhood.
. “Humanitarian. Corporate Leader. Entrepreneur. Agriculturist. Raconteur. Citroen Aficionado. Historian. Classical Musicophile. Art Collector. Consummate Host. Explorer. Gentleman.
Friend“. Unquote; Elsewhere in the same writing, Sujith refers to Scott as a “
Polymath” and “
A Renaissance Man”.
I cannot better that description, concise yet all-inclusive. However, on the eve of what would be his 92
nd birthday, I would like to share my personal impressions of Scott, as a belated tribute to a man who featured prominently in my life for over half a century, especially as a sounding board in times of uncertainty and, often, shaping my personal direction.For over 50 years, the 4
“Tough fearless and determined. Splendid games record, distinct powers of leadership with a strong sense of human and a gay debonair charm” wrote the headmaster, while the Principal of Trinity, in emphatic endorsement added “He has made a valuable contribution to the school, and I am sure he will do the same for his country.” […]
by J. Godwin Perera
The date was the same as today -January 31. But the year was different. It was 1966. 25 years ago. My office was at Aitken Spence, Lloyd’s Building on Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mawatha (former Prince Street ),in close proximity to the Central Bank. That’s why this tragic incident is indelibly etched in my memory. As a matter of interest, Aitken Spence shifted to Vauxhall Street many years later. However on this morning I did not go to office as I had another appointment in another office at Maya Avenue.
I had been nominated to a special committee appointed by the then Minister of Industrial Development the late Hon. C.V.Gooneratne (He was killed by an LTTE suicide bomber in June 2000) to develop a plan to accelerate the promotion of apparel exports. This meeting commenced on schedule at 9.30 am. Around 11 am we heard the unmistakable ‘Boom’ of a bomb exploding. As we looked out of the windows in the direction of Fort, we saw dark, black plumes of smoke rising
George Steuart & Co Commences Restoration of Centuries Old Artifacts
January, 21, 2021
George Steuart & Co., Sri Lanka’s oldest mercantile establishment, has commenced an exciting project to restore a repository of artifacts that trace back to its founding in 1835 and its early operations. The recently uncovered artifacts include diaries and journals belonging to the founders, ledgers, profit and loss accounts, company seals, employment records and many more documents from the early 1800s. The restoration is being conducted under the careful guidance and expertise of the National Library and Documentation Services Board Sri Lanka in order to preserve and archive the rare collection.
George Steuart and Co. (GS), established in 1835, has made a voluntary offer to shareholders of tea exporter, HVA Foods PLC, to acquire all shares of that company at a price of Rs. 3.50 per share under the SEC’s Takeovers and Mergers Code.
This followed a deal between GS and HVA Lanka (Exports) Private Ltd., the controlling shareholder of HVA Foods, to purchase 51.1% of that company at the Rs. 3.50 price in a deal worth Rs. 118.65 million.
The holding company is selling down its 61.1% stake in HVA Exports and the offeror (GS) has offered to buy all shares in that company. They have said their offer is based on the majority shareholder’s agreement to accept the offer in respect of a controlling 51.1% of the company.