Case between MTV Channel PVT LTD and George Steuart Health PVT LTD taken up
Case between MTV Channel PVT LTD and George Steuart Health PVT LTD taken up
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Colombo (News 1st); The case filed at the Colombo District Court by George Steuart Health (Private) Limited against MTV Channel (Private) Limited was taken up today, before Additional District judge Honourable Lakmali De Silva.
Appearing on behalf of MTV Channel (Private) Limited, President’s Counsel Uditha Egalahewa objected to the extension of the Enjoining order and reiterated the objections that were recorded before Court.
Counsel for the Plaintiff George Steuart Health (Private) Limited, submitted to the Court that since the matter is already fixed for 8th January 2021 for interim injunction inquiry, that the enjoining order be extended.
The case filed by George Steuart Health Private Limited against MTV Channel Private Limited taken up
The case filed by George Steuart Health Private Limited against MTV Channel Private Limited taken up
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COLOMBO (News 1st): The case filed at the Colombo District Court by George Steuart Health Private Limited against MTV Channel Private Limited was taken up today, before Additional District judge Honourable Chathurika de Silva.
Today, MTV Channel Private Limited, through its registered Attorney Mr. GG Arulpragasam, filed objections seeking to dismiss the Plaintiff’s action as well as the application for interim injunction with 500% costs.