his post. mckinley testified that he again brought up the state department publicly backing yovanovitch, quote, i was pretty direct. i said, you know, the situation isn t acceptable. so those are very direct, right? this is what he is testifying under oath to. this is why what pompeo said when he asked about whether mckinley approached him about publicly backing yovanovitch sounds so strange. from the time that ambassador yovanovitch departed ukraine until the time that he came to tell me he was departing i never heard him say a single thing about his concerns with respect to the decisions made. you were never asked not once, george, did ambassador mckinley say something to me during the entire time period. you were never asked to put out a statement in support of ambassador yovanovitch? george, again, i am not going to talk about private conversations that i had with my most trusted advisers. outfront now the chief investigative correspondent for yahoo news, the gop coun
2016 openly were willing to receive its distance from a hostile foreign power. and what the current facts are starting to look like is that in the present time, right now, as we move from day to day, they are again actively seeking foreign information to harm their political opponents. which the president told george stephanopolus he wouldn t have a problem with if they approached him with information. they re doing it in the wide open. thank you. still to come why the new white house press secretary is holding no press briefings and why it is on the ridiculous ahead. performance comes in lots of flavors. there s the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there s performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that s the kind lincoln s about.
the u.s. history. clearly his white house is not. he is transparent, probably not how he means, in that he is the most it is so clear what he is thinking and he says all the things he is thinking whether on twitter, he told george stephanopolus he would have no problem taking information from a foreign government to use against an opponent or if it would help him in an election. this is just one step beyond that and it doesn t seem like he has a problem with it. the idea of, you know, asking a foreign government to do something that s going to attack his own political opponent and help an election and why not use, you know, the weight of not giving military aid? i mean, if you believe in the first one of accepting information from a foreign government, morally why not? just then request it? no. trump cares about trump cares about trump cares about trump. and he doesn t care about others. maybe a little bit about his
shaved the beard. tanned. i miss the beard. we like the clean-shaven dave briggs. i m christine romans. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. we will be live in moscow shortly. a former fbi director james comey speaking out. calling the president morally unfit to be president. and the kremlin has compromising information on president trump. comey s interview with george stephanopolus with abc news. he says anyone who treats women like pieces of meat and lies about everything is not fit to be president. is donald trump unfit to be president? yes. but not in the way i hear people talk about it. i don t buy stuff about him being mentally incompetent or
i m weary of the word lying because i don t know what s in his mind. facts are facts. look it up. there are things you can look up. for sure, there s reason people in this country distrust government or the media. i would argument, i have problems with the media. it s not the alleged media bias. i think we saw this past summer, summer of free air time for this guy, why. i d sigh one reason, ratings. is it hard to in realtime challenge someone? i think if you re the host of the morning show or a sunday show, look at george stephanopolus. i think he triped to hold bush