YV Sharma Lo & behold, BJP has won elections in three important states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh to which elections were held recently. Even in Telangana it has done fairly well though will have to make a massive effort in taking its message of “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas & Sabka Vishwas” to the
circus-like provocations and tactics by the republicans and i think you are going to find a majority on the judiciary committee that s really ready for them. the other thing, though, is that people in the majority have been very bolstered by this testimony. if you read dr. fiona hill, for example, she s someone who cut through all the nonsense and basically said, you guys should cut this out because what s at stake is democracy. i mean, all over the world, we ve got the despits and the dictators and the strong men and the tyrants on the march for racism. they are scapegoating people. they are demonizing george sores and so on. you re playing along with the authoritarians and we got to stand up for democracy. i through you re going to find the democrats are going to be very tough and serious about just this point because if we let it all go now, we re not just throwing away our
controversi controversial. in 2013, she called susan rice a man with big-swinging eight balls. but amid the ensuing outrage, barr whose reboot was renewed for a second season, defending herself against the charges of islamophobia. she said islam is not a race. islam includes every race of people. i want to mention, somehow the clinton family got ripped into this. this ordeal which began tuesday morning started when barr took aim at george sores. she said my given middle name is victoria. i m just not married to one. shepard: thank you. she s off twitter now.