in this case, you know, he hurt real people. yeah. i mean, the one thing, too, i will say as much as we have sort of talked about the how ridiculous the dog story is and how awful, he stole money from this man. right. that fundamentally is a crime. you know, i mean, obviously the details have to be sorted through by the proper authorities. that is the place where i mean, yes, people inflate resumes and they say oh, i did this thing or went to this place. that s not the same thing as somehow finding hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund your campaign and having no explanation where it came from. that stuff is at the end of the day if george santos is getting to get thrown out of congress, it s because of things like that. let s talk about the current president and former president and dealing with the classified issues. so for president trump, let s start with president biden has a new strategy according to phil mattingly. one of the things that mattingly says that they r