been naughty. he s never been mean-spirited. that i would be ashamed of. always funny. he at the end of the day he made me laugh. what was important to you that when he grew up, he d adhere to a certain code of behavior as far as you re concerned. piers, i know what you mean here. i would like to think that i had something to do with both of the kids and how they turned out but i m not sure that i did. it seems to me we really think too much of that. if george had turned out to be a serial killer, i would not be blaming myself. instead what we re talking about there s still time. there may be things we don t know about george. maybe right at the end of this interview. he may kill me at the end of the interview. that s what i m saying. i think the one thing we always had, the family always had george paraphrased better than i. if we have a philosophy, it is to help those with less power than we and to challenge those with more power than we. and if i was able to in any w
he s never been mean spirited. that i would be ashamed of. always funny. he at the end of the day he made me laugh. what was important to you that when he grew up he would adhere to a certain code of behavior as far as you re concerned. i know what you mean here. i would like to thank that i had something to do with both of the kids and how they turned out but i m not sure that i did. it seems to me we really think too much of that. if george had turned out to be a serial killer, i would not be blaming myself. instead what we re talking about there s still time. there may be things we don t know about george. maybe right at the end of this interview. he may kill me at the end of the interview. that s what i m thinking. the one thing we always had, the family always had, george paraphrased it better than i, if we have a philosophy it s to help those with less power than
than you and to challenge people that are in power. both of them have done that their whole lives. and it was a great growing up. you got in trouble when you didn t do that. there were times when that wasn t particularly pleasant as a young man but they were always very good lessons that you carry with you through life. let me ask you a double edged question. what s been the proudest you ve ever been of george and also the least proud? well, let s see the proudest i have been of george is there s something about let me put it this way. when someone asks me what was the best moment of my life, i always say i don t think i ve had that yet. i ve been proud of george every day of his life. and i m prouder all of the time because he keeps growing all of the time. i wish he would stop. he s so far distanced himself past all of the rest of us that
we and to challenge those with more power than we. if i was able to in any way pass that along to both of my kids, then i ll be content. george, your father mentioned the greatest moment of his life may not have come yet. i don t want you to cop out and use the same answer. if you were to actually take your life to date, if you could replay one moment in your life before you die, what would it be? well, you know, i was thinking about that when you asked the question. i was going to give a smart ass answer. the truth is i have to say that being here on this show is the greatest moment. do you realize that that will now be promo i run for the next ten years. you are aware of what you ve done. that will last for a while. we ll go to our final break now. when we come back, i m actually going to ask both of you the same thing. what the hell is it like to be george clooney? i have asthma. and when my symptoms came back
clooney? oh, no. you wouldn t swap his life for yours? mine is much better than george s. he understood this very early on back before he became famous. we had a conversation where he said, pop, i m in the best position in the world, because i m the best known unknown actor in hollywood, which means i can make a very good living, buy a house, and i don t have to put up with any of the nonsense that all of the people who are much higher profile. i m that guy. i m the best known unknown newsman in the united states of america. that s a great title. that s a movie. not one paparazzi. that s his book. you ve had one of the great marriages, and in fact, you renewed your vows in 2007 to george s mum. he s never gone down the aisle.