Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times
I must take exception to your Monday editorial of Jan. 11 (“
The editorial references House Bill 2267, which would establish a representative elected school board in Chicago, and HB 2275 passed on Monday afternoon which would restore full bargaining rights to the Chicago Teachers Union.
In the editorial, you ask, “What exactly is the rush?” My question is, why has it taken so long? Chicago has never had an elected school board. It has always been under the direct or indirect control of the mayor. Supposedly, this was to prevent the board from being “political,” yet how is it that an elected mayor by the very nature of that office not being “political” when appointing board members? Also, why are the more than 800 elected school boards in Illinois not considered political? Are Downstaters somehow more pure than those of us in Chicago when it comes to educational issues?