1971—George Mellendorf, in Vietnam, mails a letter to the White House complaining of slow mail delivery. His answer arrives in 1978. 1965—Having forced UC…
Los Angeles, CA October 29, 2021 The first consumer awareness campaign in conjunction with 2021 Long-Term Care Awareness Month has generated national media attention. The effort was undertaken by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. "We hoped to kick-off Long-Term Care Awareness Month in a big way and I'm glad to say we have," shares Jesse.
A special 30-minute webinar addressing home care insurance solutions will be presented by the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI). The Covid condition has made one thing very clear to millions of consumers age 50 and older, explains Jesse Slome, director of the long-term care insurance organization. Should they ever require long-term care, they want to receive that care in the comfort, familiarity and now virus-free environment of their own home.  Having some affordable home care insurance can make that possible.
The Association director will deliver a special presentation for insurance agents being hosted by LTC Solutions, one of the leading national long-term care insurance agencies. The presentation will take place January 19 at 2 PM Eastern Time.