Pandemic Production Spring 2020
Pandemic Production Fall 2020
Promotional Announcement
Public Service Announcement
Honorable Mention: Never Too Early Evan Surace, Henry Menigoz, Ellison Winterstein, George McKay
Sports Announcing Team
Talk Show
Use of Multimedia
About Impact 89FM | WDBM-FM:
Impact 89FM is one of the largest student organizations on the campus of Michigan State University, with over 150 students in paid or volunteer staff roles. It operates as a 24-hour broadcast and online media organization, with funding coming from the students of Michigan State University. MSU Student Radio traces its heritage back to the 1950s with the first AM carrier current stations which broadcast in the residence halls. On February 24, 1989, Impact 89FM started broadcasting on 88.9 FM in the Lansing market under the call letters WDBM. A web stream and online presence were added on October 5, 1999.
Richard White
John D. Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1915. American
liberals of the Gilded Age were suspicious of vast corporate
wealth, which they saw as a major cause of poverty. / Library of Congress
Speaking in New Haven in 1860, Abraham Lincoln told an audience, “I am not ashamed to confess that 25 years ago I was a hired laborer, mauling rails, at work on a flat-boat just what might happen to any poor man’s son.” After his death, Lincoln’s personal trajectory from log cabin to White House emerged as the ideal American symbol. Anything was possible for those who strived.
By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Query: Readers, for my post stomping the CDC, I’m looking for an epidemiological study on Covid transmission in the schools that I
know I linked to, whether in Links or Water Cooler. It was a primary source, not from the Guardian or Deustche Welle or whatever. It was from Europe, and had one of those nice diagrams showing the index case, and I may even have included a tweet with that diagram. But Google being what it is, I can’t find it. Can anyone help? I didn’t run it this month, and it might have been as far back as October. Thanks!
so he carried that with him out on to the course. and then actually she did pass away 20 minutes before that round. he, of course, didn t know. he didn t have his phone. found it out later on. so his mom said this quote. we just think she went ahead to west virginia and was there with him, and it was obvious with his golf. oh. so she had been fighting for she was 46. fighting for you were saying two years? yeah, two years, she was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. and then they found out that it spread to her brain. and doctors said it was the most aggressive type of cancer imaginable. and so actually, a week ago, as recent as that, she was at the moffett cancer center in tampa, trying to figure out if there was something she could do. the diagnosis was very grim there, as well. one thing that george want the everyone to know, she kept fighti fighting, wasn t giving up until the very end. she does leave her husband and two grown children behind. our thoughts are with
oh, the selfies, selfies, selfies. nothing says look at me better than taking a selfie than perhaps scoring a goal in soccer. over the weekend, this player for an mls team in kansas city managed to define the two. tom good wire did some celebrating. taking a guy s phone, then taking a selfie with a teammate and fans in the front row. there you go. check it out for yourself. everyone loved it, except the officials who gave him a yellow card warning for excessive celebration. guess that s a no-no. now to this. this is a tough one. professional golfer, george mcneill, played one of the greatest rounds of his career on what had to be one of the most painful and sad days of his life. this all happened just yesterday. he shot this final round of 61, best of his career, finished in