Virginia. Host allen guelzo lets begin with your latest book, robert e lee a life, who was he before the civil war, what was his reputation . Guest he was best known for two things, son of a famous revolutionary war hero and that was the famed cavalry commander light horse harry lee, the one who served under washington and in fact, coined washington, first in war, first in peace, that was light horse harry. The other thing that people would have known robert e lee for would have been his service in the mexican war and especially on the staff of general scott during scotts fabulous invasion. Moving in land to mexico city in 1847. Lee served in many respects as scotts eyes and ears performing over and over again feats for scott so much so that scott made the confession that for all the honors he had won in that Great Campaign to mexico city almost all the credit really belonged to robert e lee, so lees two thing would have been robert e lee would have been noted before the civil war whic
Rare chance to propose and pushed through an agenda for Public Safety. The assault weapon ban should be renewed and tightened with a special emphasis on those that hold more than 10 rounds. Offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of the universe, we give us thanks for giving us another day. The peoples house gathers today and celebrates in its gathering the wonder of our constitutional form of government. Our nation has once again achieved something so often lacking in our world history, the peaceful transition of democratic government. The major change of party in control did not take place, it is still the American Experience that our streets are peaceful and winners and losers of elections move on with their lives of dignity. We thank you again for the inspiration of our nations founders and the legacy they left us with. May the members of this assembly and all americans be worthy of that legacy. May all that is done this day be for your greater hono
What im describing. The beneficiaries that are targeted underserved communities in louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and the florida panhandle. There are four components to this. The first is a program serving the developing improved Community Health programs. It is run by Louisiana Public Health Institute joined with the Alliance Institute which is a communitybased organization. There is a mental and Behavioral Health program which has Louisiana State university, southern mississippi university, the university of South Alabama and the university of west florida. There is a Literacy Program which includes a washington based group. Thats got the literacy aimed at the literacy of the community and the Community Workers and those involved in with Community Activism and community projects. Finally, there is a Community Health Worker Training Program that is based at the university of South Alabama. The overall goal here is one where resilience comes up in the language all the time but the r
Of all the institutions that have plummeted in the eyes of America’s polarized society, none has fallen further than colleges and universities. According to a recent Gallup poll, confidence in