ACR”) entered into force, also known as “GWB Digitalization Act” (the “
With the passing of the Amendment[1], Germany is setting the pace for an ambitious goal: the regulation of digital platforms. As noted during the parliamentary discussion[2], the new provisions are specifically designed to provide the German Federal Cartel Office (
Bundeskartellamt) with an efficient instrument against alleged “Wild West methods” in the digital sector to keep digital markets open. The Amendment also introduces a number of other changes to the German Competition Act concerning,
inter alia, antitrust investigations procedure, leniency and cartel damage claims.
In the legislative process, the German Parliament has also implemented some last-minute changes to the merger control provisions: the two domestic turnover thresholds were increased from EUR 25 million to EUR 50 million, and from EUR 5 million to EUR 17.5 million. This major policy shift will result in a s
January 14, 2021
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic taught the world another lesson about the unpredictability of life. Each country responded to the challenges posed by the pandemic in its own way. The German Government in its familiar technocratic and sober approach quickly unlocked massive financial resources to mitigate any immediate economic damage. It supported a further relaxation of the purse strings at EU level and put legislative acts in place that helped manage the uncertainty in the most affected industries for now. Hit by a second wave of the pandemic in an unexpectedly hard way, Germany is now left wondering whether the country really was smart in the spring or just lucky. The new year 2021 will provide the answer to this question.