welcome back to early start. a florida woman who got 20 years behind bars for firing a warning shot during an argument with her abusive husband is free on bond this morning. marisa alexander awaits a retrial of her stand your ground case. she was touching off a national debate. supporters comparing her case to these self-defense case of geor zimmerman. new on that is coming up on new day that starts right now. hopefully, they will get this guy and get all of their dolls and toys overwith and i ll be back next year. shopping frenzy. the mad dash for discounts has
melissa: we start with a brand new irs shocker today. reportsre out that the disgraced agency is about to pay out $70 millioin bonuses to its employees. i know, is scandal louse, piling on to the orageous stories we ve been reporting one after another. here with reaction is congressman john micaho is on the oversight committee for government reform as well. welcome back to the show, congressman. good to be with you and bad to hear this latt nnws on the irs. melissa: yeah. $70 million. it is shocking. the irs notified the employee union n on march 20ifth it intendedo reclaim $75 million set asideor bonus. then all of a sudden there is renegotiation of at some point. now they re giving70 million? do you feel good hng saved five milli? we ll try to do everything we can to keep them fro going through. both omb, the office of management and budget, had directed the agencies not to give these bonuses, parcularl when we re furloughing peopople. we re in the financial situati tha
a forum on guns, self- defense, and stand your ground loss. the american constitution society and the georgia association of black women attorneys posted this panel discussion. this is an hour. turning to our program this evening, the debate over the appropriate role of guns in our society is the continuous insignificant. continuous and significant. the debate rages on the day. rages on today. the topic of guns, self-defense, and public policy is not a new discussion. dating back more than a century, for reasons of will be discussed here tonight, it has been expanded upon in recent years. in 2005 with the passage of the first stunt stand your ground lot. a similar law was passed in georgia the following year with overwhelming majorities in both the state house and state senate. it was signed into law on april 4, 2006. there are these 24 states with some version of this law. the basic premise of these laws is to eliminate a duty to retreat when a person has a reasona