According to the attached job description, you have till May 26 to apply for the sweet gig. Granted, it may not be as sweet as Peter Burton, Desmond Llewelyn, Geoffrey Bayldon, Alec McCowen, John Cleese, and Ben Whishaw have made it seem over the course of 23 Bond films.
But then again, you probably wouldn’t have to deal with Roger Moore and Sean Connery types mucking up all your best gear.
After briefly and genteelly describing its own clandestine affairs, MI6’s job description goes on to read: “You are Q. More formally, you are Director General Q, one of the deputies to the Chief of MI6 (C). MI6 needs to be at the cutting-edge of technology in order to stay ahead.”
Blu-ray: To Sir, With Love | reviews, news & interviews Blu-ray: To Sir, With Love
Blu-ray: To Sir, With Love
Rose-tinted but affecting look at life in a late 1960s secondary modern
by Graham RicksonTuesday, 27 April 2021 I teach you truth. My truth! Sidney Poitier and class make a salad
To Sir, With Love is a very loose adaptation of E R Braithwaite’s autobiographical novel. Writing about his experiences as a teacher in London’s East End in the late 1940s, Braithwaite’s commentary (one of two provided here) advises us that “as you read the book, that’s how it was.