/PRNewswire/ The "Gen Z and Payments: The Next Big Cohort Is Here" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com s offering. "Gen Z and Payments: The Next.
This week in our WiCipedia roundup: Board diversification goal setters; Netflix releases first inclusion report; CES 2021 focuses on women in tech; and more.
Diversifying boards has been a real point of tension in the tech world in recent years, yet there are companies out there that have done it and don t seem to think the excuses bear weight. CIO featured an article by Elizabeth Stock, executive director of nonprofit PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT), to talk about the process that PDXWIT took to get from 100% white, straight, CIS board members to more than 80% BIPOC along with LGBTQ members, all in under two years. While the organization had a bit of a head start compared to more traditional tech companies as its focus is on diversity and the original board was already entirely women, Stock believes that companies have full control over their diversification efforts, and that great change can be made from the top down, particularly from CIOs. Check out the article for PDXWIT s step-by-s