line. under normal circumstances it takes a lot more creativity to sell lipstick than it does to be the white house press secretary. x stepped on the totally different job under joe biden, the rules have changed. you have to be able to think on the fly, because your boss can t. so every time he goes outside you re going to translate what he said or what he really meant, for the sake of argument he meant anything at all. i know that you re frustrated for example, i can taste it. what does frustration taste like? an earthy slightly unctuous blend of banking notes, mango and raspberry? joe biden did not say. the white house press secretary, that is her job. to name another example, which united states senator who represents the state of florida and which is the state of wisconsin which is not near florida? the press secretary has to know that too, and of course just stayed today, and et cetera. so it s not an easy gig and particularly tough job on the topics are serious like nuc
take a look. president biden: i agree with what chairman powell said last week to number one threat is the in that strength that we feel is inflation. look, i know you got to be frustrated. i know. i can taste it. you take any responsibility? president biden: i think our policies help not hurt but think about what they say. the vast majority of the economists think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve. but it is not because of spending. sean: i m screaming at the tv. how have they helped, joe? since joe has clearly lost any ability to communicate because of the cognitive the contact allow me to try to translate for him. there s no plan to curb inflation. by the way, it is not transitory either. there s no plan to deliver gas prices. there s no plan to spur on economic growth. or as bloomberg reported, inside the administration, there is a sense of frustration, doom, and some state magical thinking about inflation. magical thinking? we are now on
billions of dollars a year, the russians are saying watch out. we could launch nuclear weapons, this is happening like we are sleepwalking. nobody is noticing. kelsey tabbert is, she joins us in a moment, plus inflation is a good, it is our strength our strength. that is straight ahead. during world war two, most of
surprised that she did not offer any solutions to inflation and the collapse of the stock market, but she said the real problem with the u.s. economy is that women are not having enough abortions. watch. i believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children is a very damaging effect on the economy and would set women back decades. tucker: oh, no, it would set amazon back decades if women had families and raise them, we would have the labor crisis is at amazon warehouses, but this book spot corporate america for decades is upset at the prospect, so over in chicago lori lightfoot, her domestic clouding is clear, she has declared war, not that enough is already going on in chicago where people shoot each other in the streets, but a war for abortions. to my friends in the old lgbtq+
and liberal fact-checkers are openly mocking you and giving you pinocchio and laughing at you, take a clue. and it is not just coming from republicans either. look at larry summers, jason furman, people who worked in the clinton white house and the obama white house who have been saying for a long time that joe biden was going to try to put forward and he succeeded in doing without a single republican vote is going to cause inflation. one of the reasons that people might not realize is why did he give a speech today? because tomorrow morning at i believe 8:30 a.m. you get the monthly inflation number and it is going to be bad. and they know it, so they tried to get ahead of it. and then the bus ran over him. tucker: it is unbelievable. dana perino, the most evenhanded person we know, we wanted to hear from you. thank you. great to be here, thank you. tucker: by the way, mitch mcconnell of kentucky announced out loud the single