Silver City students ornaments decorate White House Christmas tree Miranda Cyr, Silver City Sun-News
SILVER CITY Harrison Schmitt Elementary in Silver Consolidated Schools was chosen to represent New Mexico in the annual America Creates ornament display that invites students to make ornaments to be hung on a Christmas tree in the White House in Washington, D.C.
Twelve Harrison Schmitt students designs were selected to be sent to the nation s capital. When I saw that it might go to Washington, D.C., and the president could see and stuff, it was like really exciting, said Tatum Schertz, a third-grader and one of the students whose design was displayed at the White House.
SILVER CITY Harrison Schmitt Elementary in Silver Consolidated Schools was chosen to represent New Mexico in the annual America Creates ornament display that invites students to make ornaments to be hung on a Christmas tree in the White House in Washington, D.C.
Twelve Harrison Schmitt students designs were selected to be sent to the nation s capital. When I saw that it might go to Washington, D.C., and the president could see and stuff, it was like really exciting, said Tatum Schertz, a third-grader and one of the students whose design was displayed at the White House.
For the America Creates ornament display, decorations are submitted from 56 schools across the country to adorn the trees surrounding the National Christmas Tree, each school representing a different state or territory and D.C. itself.