And if your timeline is not full of football transfer rumours then it may well be full of cats, because today is International Cat day. Hello and welcome. Im katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. You dont have to become vegan, or even vegetarian to save the planet, but you do have to eat less meat. And you have to do it now. Thats the broad recommendation of a big new un report on land and water resources. Basically if humanity doesnt start farming less intensively we wont be able to carry on feeding ourselves. Already more than 10 of the worlds population is undernourished. Soil is being lost faster than its forming and the number of food deserts is growing. Climate change, with its increase in droughts and floods and storms, is only putting more pressure on our land and water resources. But if we change our diets now, we can help to tackle Climate Change. Heres our science editor david shukman. A wall of dust smothers the parched fields of oklahoma. The planet is he