A little hurt i guess is just another day of living in the upside down alternate reality insanity that has grown out of russia gate and the new cold war two point zero now lets jump on our b. M. X. Bikes pop some reeses pieces and turn the upside down right side up and start watching the hawks. This is. The part of. You that i got. This. Week to. Welcome one and all the watchdogs i am so i roll windsor and on top of that im also very good i dont but. I know man apparently know fox news is the propagandists over there or they could be the evil foreign intelligence agencies could could get in the fox news because donald trump watches it all the time when they could they could they could infiltrate and buy off people and create agents and useful idiots and spread evil propaganda that i dont like fox news isnt already spreading for years propaganda for the republican ideals theyve been spreading nonsense for the republicans for a very long time they dont need anybody else help the thing th
Me drumgold you worked in a. Neighbors ghost and we shortened. When we getting good talent from you recently there have been like two when you want to. Go broke on the very famous in pakistan theres a struggle because they had an accent obviously when they speak in our language or do they have an accent like british accent so they did struggle they worked hard on their accent and now they are the most popular stars pakistan theyre doing movies theyre doing t. V. Series t. V. Dramas everything so obviously in amongst that what you do for tail youve got a lot of things that are due to your heart because youre in the living rooms of millions of people every single day of the week therefore you have a huge constituency theories and we spoke briefly fessler by interest in dealing with all sideways and raising awareness about ip. The problem is in pakistan and people knew about it they dont realize did dont know because you know when i present the script to the channel that i really want to
We found the way to do that based on the data for use is we found that it was better to start doing that now one of the major obstacles that people learning a Foreign Language have ways social anxiety is the fear of practicing a Foreign Language and the fear of looking incompetent i know that you have followed your own very elegant taking in very easy simple easy solution for that child but its but as easy as it may seem dont you think that those conversational skills come a big files of social and Cultural Skills that you also acquire when you learn a language from another individual yeah i think learning a language i think ultimately you learn a language to talk to another individual thats the thats the end goal but one of the things we have found and its not just us other people have found this. One of the hardest things about learning another language is when you when you practice with another human theres a lot of anxiety in fact the u. S. Army you know the u. S. Army trysts teach
In the middle of a warehouse complex a stones throw from the border with france the Geneva Freeport. Watched by surveillance cameras and surrounded by barbed wire fences this complex is traditionally a custom zone where merchandise is stored before being exported abroad. But today it has become a permanent storage site with sixty thousand square meters of space rented by the city of geneva to transporters or to private individuals to safeguard their assets. Behind these anonymous double locked doors there is gold and diamonds. It is also the largest wine cellar in the world with three million bottles laid to rest. Gone clear bottles worth five hundred. A thousand two thousand dollars quietly maturing and gaining in value at a constant temperature and humidity. These buildings are anti earthquake and the doors are resistant to explosives. And to protect these treasures from fire a special room houses hundreds of extinguishers that can be activated at any moment. Another reason the free
The use of their work kodak is partnering with when group of london to create the platform some skeptics question or question the value of the platform and whether photographers would be smart to accept payment in the new Digital Currency but kotok stock which was just over three dollars before the announcement was trading at ten dollars and ninety cents as we went to air kodak is or once was a well known u. S. Brand but its fallen on harder times with the rise of digital cameras and the collapse of demand for actual film what codecs provided to two thousand and twelve bankruptcy they have struggled to find their footing in a disrupted market we also no longer have those little green photo booths remember those in the park mall parking lots probably a good thing. Canadas government is cozying up to pro and after republicans in the hopes of keeping the trade pact alive President Trump and his administration had threatened to axe the agreement on a number of occasions even with many of h