Auburn rights s first peoples. Mr secretary, can you please take the roll . Good morning. Thank you. President nixon commissioners, please. Prawn respond with president when i call your name. President martha knewton president , Vice President janet spears present commissioner sasha bittner. Let me meet you. Commissioner, can you hear me . Shes present. Yeah again. Okay. Got it. Thank you. Commissioner wanted zhang president well hello. Okay commissioner, Linda Parker Pennington present commissioner nelson lum. Present commissioner barbara score. Not present and dos executive director kelly, german president. President clinton. We have a quorum. Thank you. Alright commissioners. The next item is item three communications. Wed like to provide further instructions for the Public Comment process. Public comment will be available in each item on this agenda. Hello. We should make sure commissioner bittner can you hear us . I dont think so. Commissioner. Peter can you hear us now . Yeah, pe
Commissioner lowe . Here. Commissioner mcdonnell . Here. Just to remind everyone, we request that you turn off any electronic sound producing devices that could go off during the meeting, so cell phones, if you could please turn those off or on silent. We request that you take any conversations outside. If you would like to speak on an item today, please create a blue card. Unless otherwise nounszed by the president , each person will have three minutes for Public Comment on each item. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and is under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment. That is item 4. It will be heard for 15 minutes and then continued again at item 12. Please address your comments to the commission during Public Comment on items in order to allow equal time for all. Neither commission nor staff will respond. The commission may ask questions after Public Comment is closed. If the fire alarms activate
Thank you, charlie. And have a good holiday season. And while youre in executive session, i hope somebody brings in a box of cookies or something. You were going to bring pizza, remember . Yes, we discussed pizza. And im sure the chair will deep that germane to item 10 on the calendar. Yes. Christmas cookies back in open session for the Ethics Commission, decemb december session. Is there a motion pursuing to what we did in our closed session . I would move that we keep the closed session in confidence. Second . Second. All those in favor of the motion . Aye. Motion passes unanimously. So we then go to item 11. Discussion of possible action of items for future meetings. I think some of the things that have come up tonight indicate things that well be doing at future meetings in record to putting matters on the ballot and just listening to what has been said. I would anticipate that in february we would have agendaized putting on the ballot the whistleblower item and also our ordinance
Here. Just to remind everyone, we request that you turn off any electronic sound producing devices that could go off during the meeting, so cell phones, if you could please turn those off or on silent. We request that you take any conversations outside. If you would like to speak on an item today, please create a blue card. Unless otherwise nounszed by the president , each person will have three minutes for Public Comment on each item. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and is under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment. That is item 4. It will be heard for 15 minutes and then continued again at item 12. Please address your comments to the commission during Public Comment on items in order to allow equal time for all. Neither commission nor staff will respond. The commission may ask questions after Public Comment is closed. If the fire alarms activate, you must evacuate using any exit. Please note tha
Time we have a plan that is more thought out and more comprehensive than most that weve had in the history of the department and were in a gook and projected and to and were on good track. Yes, commissioner. Can you go, oh yes back to this diagram, you realize this looks like the digestive cycle dont you . [laughter] maybe these are kidneys. [laughter] i do want you are learning our language. Maybe its just conscious. Commissioners, youve been with greg now for probably almost an hour and so i do want to recognize that the depth of his knowledge of all of these areas and his leadership in this area and weve worked hard at ensuring the stabilization of the Department Around capital pieces its a sharing economy in the department where we really want to focus on our Service System so our patients and our staff will have Safe Building and weve also given up three times our ability to move this building to ensure that people here also have than opportunity so i think were the closest becaus