exception of the irs agents. the s yet here suddenly was that very same station, national urgn public radio, positively urging transpolar people to buy guns as many guns as possible and if necessary, to use them. the world is dangerous, explained one trans gun owner.me you have to be dangerous us, is united states back and that seems strange to us. is the united states reallyas a dangerous place for trans people?t well, west baltimore is dangerous. you could easily get murdereerer there. but if you re trans in this country, obviously there are many downsidess ther. but there do appear to be some benefits. it s a lot easieo har to get int harvard, for example. it s definitely easier to get a job at citibank or in the biden white house if t you re transgender can so muchan as fly a kite, the pentagon will happily make you an f thirty five pilot just so hollywood can make a movie about it, identifying as trans whatever . again, its downsides does convey status in th
you re the oppressor, and you don t need to sacrifice for anybody else. especiespecially the next genert .t is so that s very disturbing wh implodest s a civilization when it commits collective suicidein to demography. g in yeah, drowning in like me. ctor davis hanson, thank you so much for that. t thank you. appreciate it. so hillary clinton, hillary clinton, does she want to run t for president ? again, it s interesting. maybe who knows?o work we thought we wouledd talk to someone who worked for herneh for years, who helped run the clinton white house, one of the democrats. wi we remain in touch with an oldt school character, a very smart person and a decent person to pollster doug schoen, and ift anyone can kind of explain i what s going on with hillary clinton, past, present or future, it is him. we talk to him for an hour forr tucker carlson today. here s part of it. carli ve seen candidatesical cae