All of his generals were against his decision to attack in the West.
Here s What You Need to Know: Hitler often went his own way, regardless of the consequences.
By early autumn, he was taking 60 pills a day. They ranged from “speed” to the poison strychnine. He took pills to make him wake up; he took pills to make him sleep. Although to his entourage he seemed to have retained his old willpower and energy, it was really the tablets that kept him going.
By now, Hitler’s secretaries noticed that his knee shook all the time. Sometimes he had to control the shaking in his left knee with his right hand. What his adoring young female secretaries did not know was that his knee continued to tremble even when he was in bed. There, too, he was plagued by stomach cramps. What the secretaries did notice they could not help but do so was that the Führer passed gas all the time due to his vegetarian diet and weight-reducing tablets. His doctors there were four of them called it “mete