The coalition agreement Kühnert wants to push through as SPD leader is a declaration of war on the working population and a firm commitment to militarism.
Photographer turns lens on faces in a masked world
Fierce cross-party criticism
Spiegel on Saturday that the plan was outrageous and inhumane. The minister must explain himself about this as soon as possible, he cannot point the finger at others here, Klingbeil added. Attempting to get rid of useless masks by giving them away to needy groups in our society . this is simply beyond cynicism and absolutely unacceptable, Katja Mast, parliamentary group vice chair, also of the SPD, wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
The parliamentary leader of the Left party, Jan Korte, said that it no longer seems to matter that the health minister once again seems not to care about the health of disabled and socially-disadvantaged people if his own failures are covered up as a result.
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The Green Kingmaker
Annalena Baerbock Holds the Keys to Germany s Next Election
This fall, a politician with the Green Party could become German chancellor for the first time. Annalena Baerbock is a far more dynamic candidate than her conservative and center-left competitors - and she could be poised for a senior position in the next government, if not the country s top political office.
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With elections approaching in Germany this fall, one narrative that we will frequently see on the campaign trail has already taken shape. Two against one.
Two men against one woman.
Two 60(ish)-year-olds against a 40-year-old.