Special closed-end type private equity investment company INVL Technology, legal entity code 300893533, the registered address Gyneju Str. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania , informs that on the. | April 6, 2023
Special closed-ended type real estate investment company INVL Baltic Real Estate, legal entity code 152105644, the registered address Gyneju str. 14 Vilnius, Lithuania , informs that on the initiative. | March 24, 2023
Public joint stock company INVL Baltic Farmland, legal entity code 303299781, the registered address Gyneju str. 14 Vilnius, Lithuania (hereinafter – “the.
The resolutions of the General Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of special closed-ended type real estate investment company INVL Baltic Real Estate that was held on 12 April 2022: 1.. | April 12, 2022