A witness at the site of the crash in Tamil Nadu that killed General Bipin Rawat and 12 others on Wednesday claims he saw the General alive moments after the wreckage was found in the hills.
Brigadier Lakhwinder Singh Lidder was set to be promoted as Major General, an Army officer and the Brigadier's neighbour said a day after his death in the chopper crash that also killed Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat.
The bodies of General Bipin Rawat, his wife, and the 11 who died in yesterday's chopper crash in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiri Hills have reached Delhi's Palam Air Force base.
A helicopter carrying Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat crashed this morning, killing him and 12 others. There were 14 people on board, including his wife.
General Bipin Rawat, India's first Chief of Defence Staff, and his wife died today after a military chopper crashed in Tamil Nadu, killing 13 on board. The only survivor, an Air Force Group Captain, is being treated for severe burns.