Time magazine says it has selected from Japan Rina Gonoi, a former Ground Self-Defense Force member who exposed the culture of sexual abuse within the service, and lawmaker Arfiya Eri, a former U.N. official of Uyghur descent, among this year's 100 emerging world leaders.
A female member of a government panel participates in a meeting at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's office with her 2-month-old baby, with the Cabinet pledging to take necessary measures to promote women's empowerment.
Two women have entered the race for the leadership of Japan s ruling party for the first time in its 66-year history, putting in the spotlight both the strides taken and the hurdles that still face female politicians in a country that lags far behind other nations on gender equality.
FEATURE: Why a Japanese man proudly took his wife s last name
Shu Matsuo Post is a man who calls himself a feminist. But he wasn t born a feminist, and for the first 28 years of his life he never tried to understand what it was like to be a girl and a woman in a patriarchal society.
Then he met his now-wife Tina, who taught him that he has been socially conditioned to see things a certain way. She helped him realize he doesn t need to be macho to be a man or follow the dating script that says he pays. He had his feminist awakening.