Outgoing SANDF Chief Solly Shoke.
Outgoing national defence force Chief General Solly Shoke was on the receiving end of good wishes and thanks for a job well done when he met the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) in Cape Town last week.
Shoke is on the final legs of a national tour bidding farewell to the men and women he commanded in the four services and the various divisions of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) over an almost 10 year period.
While in the Western Cape capital the MJC paid the only general in the SANDF what the Directorate: Corporate Communications (DCC) a courtesy visit.
Sipho Mabena Experts believe the new army chief is impressively armed to lead the SANDF crippled by budgetary cuts. Lieutenant-General Rudzani Maphwanya. Picture: YouTube With a stint in the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) Special Forces and as chief of the Joint Operations (JOps), experts believe new army chief Lieutenant-General Rudzani Maphwanya is impressively armed to lead the SANDF crippled by budgetary cuts. Last year, The Citizen reported how budget cuts have sent the SA Air Force (SAAF) into a tailspin, with experts warning of its imminent crash as its ageing aircraft gather dust and crew lose qualifications due to a lack of flying time. ALSO READ: Ramaphosa announces new SANDF chief In May, Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula admitted her department was in.