Coleman is back in studio, doing a bit of 2021 recap, and featuring new crushers from Mizmor, VoidCeremony, Phrenelith, and plenty more. Only slightly buzzed and rambling, mostly coherent m/The Ruins of BeverastUnlock the ShrineThe Clockhand s Groaning CirclesVoidCeremonyEntropic Reflections ContinuumAt the Periphery of Human RealmsMalgothGlory Through SavageryBarbaric OnlslaughtChasmdwellerFlesh CrusadeFlesh CrusadeKontactFirst ContactHeaven s GateTravelerTermination ShockTermination ShockSecret FireThe Old Beast LawMercurial HammerWitch VomitAbhorrent RaptureAbhorrent RaptureSuccumbXXISomaFilth is EternalLove is a Lie, Filth is EternalLove is a LieHulderGodslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn PeasantryUpon Frigid WindsMizmorWit s EndWit s EndFluisteraarsGegrepen Door de Geest der ZielsontluikingBrand woedt in mijn grafPhrenelithChimaeraAwakening TitansFossilizationHe Whose Name Was Long ForgottenNeanderthal TombsDodsritMortal CoilShallow Graves