the geezer hit just as the bank of america was about to close. reporter: geezer bandit s luck may be running out. police wonder if the geezer bandit could be a younger man or a woman in an elaborate disguise. he almost always wears a hat. once he didn t. always glasses and rarely a tie. but it s his face or maybe his wrinkle-free hands that just seem off. just something really chalky looking about it that didn t look right. the skin tone looked a little odd, as well. reporter: whether a spring chicken, the bandit s get away was hardly geezerly, he sped away in a white bmw. and cops are still trying to catch up. abc news. wow. well, here s a story that s definitely causing outrage this morning. the superior court judge ordered a woman who was abused by her ex-husband to pay him alimony and it may be a legal first for this.