playing slippery rock state i think that s what mcconnell is doing here which is smart. he should try to rally the troops, to shake the trees for donation. but the math just happens by luck, just works very favorably in the republicans favor this time. the democrats are defending ten states that trump won, five of them that he won by double digits. the odds they can hold all ten of those are extremely low, and they have to hold all ten if they have a reasonable chance of getting the majority. gee golly, that s going to motivate them. that s what holtz used to say. golly gee, get some points on the board. april, listen, mcconnell also admits that texas senator ted cruz, can you imagine if ted cruz loses? he s facing a competitive race against democratic challenger congressman beto o rourke. a text senate seat hasn t gone to a democrat in 25 years.
stupid people if they decide not subsidizing is the same as banning it. i don t particularly like the way ted cruz talks, but he is absolutely right on the merits whether he says jimminy cricket or not. rebut that. it looked like a bad comedy gig. didn t it? he was kind of killing it though. i was like, he was kind of killing it. i think he was like making people laugh which to me, that what i just saw, i was like, he is kind of funny. that makes me like a person especially when you have a sense of humor. that s why trump i think is people love him because he s real and he s kind of funny. cruz is getting a little funny. he looked like a comic. jimminy cricket he threw in some funny words. gee golly, keep going, cruz. so why is it, jedediah? trump can get press every day and cruz is on his heels and
will be replaced by, quote, dumb wheors. you know what the situation? it is wolf s belly buttons. i heard if it gets really can he is changing his name to the defacation. i always know when the segent in should have ended 10 seconds easier. i could have gone to the tease 10 seconds ago and you never would have heard that joke. you are welcome situation. we will trademark it together. do you like saying gee golly? , gee gosh? get ready to say it when we discuss this next story. what will our correspondent have to say about this freezing night. if i had a dollar every time i asked that question.