Regulators and industry heads have been quick to say Japan’s financial system is sound, while analysts have been busy reassuring worried bank investors.
quickly. hannah, where is your investigation going to take you next? i am really interested in this idea of accountability for the corporations that are benefiting from this labor. you mentioned slaughterhouses, i think about children outside of the slaughterhouse, from the biggest meat processor in the world, gb us. in rural minnesota. and it was obvious there were children working there, i stood outside of the factory, talking to kids as young as 15 years old who were working until six i am, cleaning things like head splitters. and the department of labor eventually came in. but there were no charges for gbs, only a fine for the contractor who had brought these kids in. some of the parents were charged. i think right now this focus on the way the child labor laws are enforced, and whether there is enough accountability for these large, large companies
The two indices are the Nifty India Sovereign Green Bond Jan 2028 Index and the Nifty India Sovereign Green Bond Jan 2033 Index with target maturity dates of January 31, 2028, and January 31, 2033, respectively. The indices include Government securities issued under the category of sovereign green bonds maturing during the six-month period ending the respective maturity dates
The yen jumped 1% to flirt with ¥130 per dollar minutes after it was reported Ueda, a former member of the central bank's policy board, will be tapped as the Bank of Japan's next governor.
Just as a corporate balance sheet can provide insights into a company's financial health, a "global balance sheet" (GBS), tallying the assets and liabilities of governments, corporations, households, and financial institutions, can do the same for the world economy. That logic drove the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) to begin compiling, and regularly updating, a GBS covering 10 countries that together represent more than 60 percent of the world GDP.