what? let s make it hard for these people. maybe we can cut down that vote. that s one of those great underreported stories of the 2012 campaign is the extent to which the people deliberately made it harder for others to vote, which was i thought sort of reprehensible. and the federal government, since we re talking about practical stuff, can obama, the president, get something done with eric holder and the voting rights people, maybe not historic voting rights like in the 1960s, but can they intervene in states and say we don t like the way you ve been doing this. i know it s a state issue, but we don t like the way we think you re prejudicing against black people and young people. sure. i wonder if the justice department would want to take on the case. it s a little dicey, but you saw political backlash with rick scott saying maybe i overdid it. i ll extend those voting rights now that we re past now that he s up for re-election mind you. let s go back for a second. lik
are moving to the younger generation and this is the feeling it has been said here on ten today that the republicans are making the effort not just to do so with the faces, the color of the people and the age of the people but making the effort to make a transition the issues, as well, with the tea party, fighting, kicking and screaming. that is right. this is an opportunity to reflect. particularly since today is a day to catch your breath. it is not meant to be polemics. you cannot find were of a message in what happened today. on the gay rights issue, this note that everyone is making, this is the first time an inaugural address mentioned gay rights, well, the public view of this has shifted. there is data now that shows significant move in favor of not just gay rights but gay marriage from a few years ago.
democrat could be. part of obama s calculus. i will say i would like to see some women picked for some positions. maybe obama needs to borrow some of the romney s binders full of women. he has own. why did barney frank do aboutface? he s campaigning to be the appointed senator of massachusetts and duval patrick as governor of the massachusetts will not send someone to washington to vote against the white house in the major vote. i also i wouldn t, s.e. your comment there struck me as if the left is decided to roll over for chuck hagel specifically on the gay rights issue. tammy baldwin said she ll ask tough questions and assurances from him that his attitudes really changed and in a way to
the texas case and certain cases that follow saying the first amendment is not an absolute right. sometimes, if you look at criteria of who can go out and get an application for this highway sponsorship it says civic minded so they have . shepard: the state of georgia says anyone can go identity there and that is the problem. the problem is the government who sponsors has a right to step in and say we do not, do not as far as putting our name up with something that we do not want the kkk on the highway. shepard: what if georgia did not like the boy scouts, because of some thing that the boy scouts had done the maybe the gay rights issue, or whatever. or a pedophile says i want did do that kind of work and i want my name on it. shepard: who makes the decision of who can and who cannot? i am not for the kkk getting any publicity how do you make that decision? randy: i don t have to say anything because you just so eloquently made the point. this is not about the kkk.
the irony of the whole thing is, it s not even a real cookie. they re not going to make the thing and sell it. it s just an image, i guess expressing their political thought on the whole gay rights issue, put it out there as a symbol of that, people went nuts within 12 hours. it s not even a real cookie. so everyone can relax and take a break. i am in the mood for an oreo right now. let s stir up area 51, ufo, apparently bottom of the baltic sea, researchers are calling maybe calling a ufo. there is an object at the bottom. any time their equipment gets, within 200 meters it stops working. they turn away it starts working. hover above it, within 200 meters stops working. the most bizarre thing. anything electric, satellite photos, stopped working when they were above the object just everything shut off. oh, man. maybe are we above it? oh, man. are you an alien?