challenged so is the work of gay rights activists effectively over or do you still see this as a challenge to the finish line. indeed, we see it as a challenge. it s going to be new challenge but we are very mindful of that challenge that still remains. they are now, some of these states are going to try to use the shroud of religious freedom. i believe in religious freedom and they have people who argue that are entitled to their freedom. but they don t have the freedom to impose their religious values on to others. and there needs to be a and what justice kennedy said talked about respect for each other and and some of the republican candidates, too, are saying we need to respect each other. and for me, the kind of homophobia that they express so
conservative legislatures say the constitution defines marriage to a man and woman and should be heterosexual couples. translator: as con accept chulized by laws, that s what marriage is, where procreation of children can happen. the union of a couple to become parents. that should be kept between a man and a woman. reporter: for other gay rights activists, marriage is a right, regardless of sexual preference. translator: we will not be satisfied until there s full equality for everybody. several same-sex marriage bills have been introduced. none with the possibility of becoming law. others dream of becoming a father will remain just that, a dream. cnn, santiago, chile.
on botched this. he overestimated his ability as a communicator. before this he was seen as adapt at communication and he was unprepared and thought he could go in and spin stephanopolis and it surveillance video open his face and when that happened the dye is cast. we did not see the stephanopolis fight where he repeatedly asked mike pence a yes or no question over and over and over. we will show that. the story moved from being the indiana legislature and about christian conservatives versus gay rights activists to being about mike pence former congressman and possible future presidential candidate. the 2016 fix is in so everyone, is he run increasing is he not running. that played into it. he botched the stephanopolis interview which set up what was a horrible week in politics for indiana and for the christian conservative right. they do not have an answer to why they are passing this law in
about laws that would offer a legal defense to those whose religious beliefs are at odds with among other things gay weddings. while many states offer similar protections indiana and arkansas were going further to extend that from individuals to companies drawing ire from gay rights activists and the white house. passing laws that would use religion to try to justify discriminating against people because of who they love is unthinkable unthinkable. in arkansas governor asa hutchinson are seeking changes to the law after coming under intense pressure from activist and at least one family member. there is clearly a generational gap on this issue. my son seth signed the petition asking me dad, the governor to veto this bill. both states are talking about making changes that could happen as early as today.
brothers and sisters. and as you can see here, we rally around each other. reporter: sara sidner, cnn, los angeles. we wish him only the best. cnn special report, showdown in indiana, battle over religious rights, starts right now. the following is a cnn special report. this is a cnn special report, showdown in indiana. the battle over religious rights. i m chris cuomo in new york. this was the scene from the protests in indianapolis, ongoing war over law and culture. the latest attack, according to gay rights activists, legalized discrimination under the guise of the indiana freedom restoration act. ever since governor mike pence signed it thursday, protesters have taken to the streets in indiana, and outrage is bubbling up around the country. a growing number of major businesses lining up to say, so long as indiana has this law, they re going to do their