as a barry cafe reports. what do we want? day rights! the as a barry cafe reports. what do we want? day rights! the voices - as a barry cafe reports. what do we | want? day rights! the voices gay riahts. want? day rights! the voices gay rights- never want? day rights! the voices gay rights. never again, want? day rights! the voices gay rights. never again, the want? day rights! the voices gay rights. never again, the facts - want? day rights! the voices gay rights. never again, the facts make| rights. never again, the facts make carl from arsenal s rights. never again, the facts make carl from arsenal s official - rights. never again, the facts make carl from arsenal s official gay - carl from arsenal s official gay supporter group. we wanted to make our voices heard. the comments that have been coming out of qatar in the last couple of weeks have highlighted our concerns we ve had for a number of years now that the term it should not be held in a country like qa