Hosts Now Reveal Their Top 5 Favorite Episodes of FRIGAY THE 13TH HORROR PODCAST By Josh Millican
Andrew Huff and Matty Zaradich, co-hosts of Dread Podcast Network’s latest addition
FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast, recorded their first episode in 2018. Three years, fifty+ episodes, and over one-hundred thousand listeners later, they’re now bringing
FriGay the 13th to a broader audience with Dread and our expanding network. It’s a great time to reflect, too, on some of their favorite episodes from the podcast thus far.
FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast explores horror–in real-life
and in the movies–from an LGBTQ perspective. Andrew and Matty don’t view horror as just another escape– they see it as a mirror to the horrors we see in everyday life, and an opportunity to face those horrors straight-on.