was the buffalo. tens of millions of them wandering the land, munching wild grasses and using poop and hooves to create rich fertile soil up to 15 feet deep. look at this! reporter: since americans replaced buffalo with cows, generations of fertilizers, pesticides, tilg and overgrazing turned much of that nutrient-rich soil into lifeless dirt, but not on farms where they graze cows just like wild buffalo. adaptive multi pat tick grazing mimics the way bison moved across the great plains. it s about the way animals hit an area really hard and then leave it for a long time. reporter: peter bik is a professor at arizona state university. he believes if enough beef and dairy operations copy this simple hack, cattle could become an ally in the fight against
well, as you said, that was in the wake of the pulse nightclub shooting, and in governor desantis home state of florida. that is something left out of that. that is why it is getting widely condemned, not necessarily because of the anti-trans legislation, a separate conversation, of course. some of the reaction has been pretty quick. the trump campaign jumped on this very quickly, as they often do with governor desantis going back and forth. let s look at a comment over the weekend that a trump campaign spokesman made. he said it shows a desperate campaign in its last throes of relevancy. that s from a trump campaign spokesman. perhaps even more to the point and a broader conversation here is a reaction from the log cabin republicans. of course, that is a republican group, a conservative group made up largely of gay americans, gay and lesbian americans. this is what they said talking about just the political stupidity of this, they said, conservatives understand that we need to to pro
biological sex and you can be anything you want to be, radical movement and taken over pride and seen this in city after city and police were not allowed to march in the pride parade. ainsley: if they were wearing uniform. douglas: what is a movement who encourage you to throw bricks at politicians and refuse to allow policemen to march? that is not because everyone is gay, it is because this so-called pride thing ended in the hands of leftists. it does a disservice to gay americans who are the people who call themselves queer activists, they are pseudoradicals who want to tear everything down, hate the mrooes
and think the system is racist. it is a great shame this movement ended in hands of radical people who do not represent and insult people they claim to be speaking for. ainsley: thank you. coming up, marine veteran daniel perry set to be arraigned for choke-hold death of jordan neely. one retired officer says the justice system is fating him, next. 00x its fume free, safe to use inside, even runs your fridge. go to 4patriots dot com. you ll get a solar panel included free plus free shipping, free gifts and more. double the capacity expandable for more power and more outlets than ever. take action now. get your solar generator and free panel at 4patriots dot com.
new york and elsewhere. this is always been going on to an extent. but because of the culture wars that have put a larger spotlight on these issues, they re getting a better sense of the activism behind a lot of these pride events. it couldn t happen at a worse time for anyone on the left who wants to advance any kind of perceived right. martha: i think so much progress was made over the years in terms of understanding acceptance of the lifestyles of gay americans. this is a quote in the new york post today by bruce bower who is a long-time author and activist. he said and i know one thing, if anybody is upset more by this side show than straight parents is gay people who feel that their honorable movement for equal rights has been shanghaied by a gang of psychologically disturbed ego maniacs. talk about the tensions that exist within the movement over