voted in 14 different cases with the conservatives to provide a fifth vote, and zero cases with the liberals, he still over the course of years, was essential on a number of these issues. and you could really expect all of those to head in the opposite direction. steve rattner? so, tom, steve rattner, on issues like same-sex marriage and roe v. wade which have become so kind of institutionalized in the fabric of our society at this point, do you really imagine that even if trump picks what at least some of us fear he might do, that it would literally overturn roe v. wade or overturn same sex marriage, or more chipping away the rights that gays and women got under those decisions. when it comes to gay rights, i would say same-sex is institutionali institutionalized. i but when it comes to employment discrimination, a conservative majority would head back in the opposite direction, in expanding rights for gay americans or same-sex couples.
it was an iconic sports illustrated cover. i listened, i was thinking about mark the bird fidrych as i drifted to sleep last night because i was reading twitter and there was joe s tweet. that is creepy, but randy jones it is very rare that a sports figure so fully capture as moment in time as that, mark the bird fidrych did during a little sliver of the late 70s and sort of faded away, had a lot of arm troubles after that. it was just a moment in time. 18 million people summer of 76. summer of 76, right before the bicentennial. a week before the bicentennial, 18 million americans stopped on a monday night, to watch mark the bird fidrych pitch against the new york yankees. howard cosell talking about monday night baseball and talking about mark the fire
okay. we ll play that here we go. here we go. do you think that homosexuality or homosexual conduct should be illegal today, that s a yes or no question. homosexual conduct should be illegal. now we ve got black and whites fighting. red and yellow fighting. islam teaches that you must worship this way, are completely opposite from what our first amendment stands for. i believe in the second amendment. so that was a little bit of a mashup of his take on gay americans and guns. as one of the earliest christian leaders to come out in favor of
anti-establishment candidates now except that they are anti-establishment. if we see a raft of these guys getting elected, which is certainly possible, it will bring chaos in washington. but i m not sure what else it will do. that s not as clear to me as the key party candidates funded by growth were running back in 2012. what does it mean for democrats, jean? it highlights that the party that set off the lack of success of mitt romney, that they wanted to focus on diversity. they have not done as good of a job doing that when they sent someone to washington last night who said such alarming things about gay americans and minorities. i think they have to brand themselves increasingly as the party who wants to be more about america s future than past. welcome to the third ring of
what i think it s strange, it s fine and make sense to me. why would groups that claim to advocate to the interest of gay americans also advocate for the admission of immigrants who hate gay people? it absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. we had a conversation over the last couple decades about evangelical question opinions on lgbt people. there ve been a lot of judgment and criticism. we have seen a lot of changing hearts and mind. meanwhile the left is completely and totally the fact that islam has a serious problem with people. we re not talking about people gay people not using the bathroom. we re talking about gay people being thrown off of buildings. their positions on lgbt people, it s illegal to be in iran.