on. it showed that actually prop 8 was not as popular and, yet, it passed, right? right. laura: there are some people afraid to say they are not for gay marriage, whatever the case may be. we do have statistics to look at. 31 states ban same sex unions in state constitutions only had four recently who said yes maine fine minnesota and so forth. the states have spoken and the states so far haven t shown universal or even majority support for same sex unions. so what s going on with time magazine. time magazine is right. gay marriage has won in so many ways it s an organ mick movement. something gay activists did not think was possible 20 years ago. no one was pushing for gay marriage and 20 years have passed and now we see that the public wants it. it s four to one youth in america wants gay marriage. they are for it they don t have a problem with it people born after 1980 have no problem with gay
thrown them out the window. even better one for you. separation of church and state is not really in the constitution. we know that. it s the first amendment establish religion. bill: government doesn t have a right to promote religion. exactly. bill: do the atheist have a right to promote no religion? exactly. bill: and they do under freedom of speech. ladies, very interesting. thank you so much for coming. in the two janines. when we come right back, laura ingraham on gay activists calling for another boycott. this one of amway. also, the war on women. apparently president obama stoking it up in colorado. laura is next. questions? anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips .
thrown them out the window. even better one for you. separation of church and state is not really in the constitution. we know that. it s the first amendment establish religion. bill: government doesn t have a right to promote religion. exactly. bill: do the atheist have a right to promote no religion? exactly. bill: and they do under freedom of speech. ladies, very interesting. thank you so much for coming. in the two janines. when we come right back, laura ingraham on gay activists calling for another boycott. this one of amway. also, the war on women. apparently president obama stoking it up in colorado. laura is next.
benjamin franklin would have thrown them out the window. even better one for you. separation of church and state is not really in the constitution. we know that. it s the first amendment establish religion. bill: government doesn t have a right to promote religion. exactly. bill: do the atheist have a right to promote no religion? exactly. bill: and they do under freedom of speech. ladies, very interesting. thank you so much for coming. in the two janines. when we come right back, laura ingraham on gay activists calling for another boycott. this one of amway. also, the war on women. apparently president obama stoking it up in colorado. laura is next. [ male announcer ] it s a golden opportunity.
enough. i know around here people think he s far to the left. but most progressives in america don t think that way. martha: monica? what is the political take on this? he was for gay marriage when he was a state senator, while he was a senator he was against it. while he was president he was evolving on it. and now he s for it again. he will have a difficult time attacking mitt romney for flip-flopping when he flip flopped on this. it s interesting he made this announcement two days after major gay donors threatened to with hold money from his campaign. while he s pandering to gay activists web also has serious issues with other core constituents who are culturally conservative like blacks and latinos. martha: do it, chris hahn,