and why did a man call 911 after breaking into a home? and what happens if we send bill schulz out to an area to learn circus arts? hopeful leahy will learn hopefully he will learn something about himself? no, hopefully he will be pull vaw rised and viewed to pieces by a wild pack of dogs. greg? thanks. are you waring pajama bottoms with that outfit? i am not. decide to help somebody move and then get a head start? what an odd comment from somebody who is wearing basically the same thing. no. i have a tie on. you are looking like you would stay at home and watch love actually. i will say goodbye with my giant mug. please do. let s welcome our guest. she is so sharp she can cut diamonds with her tongue. i am here with ann coulter. her latest book is called mugged my favorite way to enjoy herbal tea, a great brooke. and she is so british she kneeses double decker buses. it is imogen lloyd webber. three names because she is british and that s what they do
0 the te bait are using for the worst case scenario of what will happen in the fiscal cliff. which sides understands best how to keep the united states getting in the same greek tragedy? chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel looks at that tonight. republicans frequently argue it s critical to get a handle on the deficit before the u.s. becomes like greece. there is a terrible economy with 26% unemployment highest in europe, almost no job opportunities for young people frequentenly lead toro riots in the streets. here is leading democrat is suggesting cutting spending too quickly is a real problem. the european community now is concerned about all the austerity. there are many, many things you can do to reduce debt. but still have a stimulus aspect of the economy. experts though say europe s us aer the city a drag on the economic growth because it relies too much on taxation while failing to reign in the expansion of government. that would seem to back up a republican the