w. fire made for mines. ah, i had an idea, an idea that just wouldn t let me go until i programmed it. to my name is sato. she knock a motto. you don t know me, not yet. but my invention will change your life with me. by linking all computers, our lives were digitalized, reduced to a set of data that need only be collected and analyzed every word, every gesture, every transaction. the internet was transformed from a window on to the world into a means of control. ooh, a new economy was emerging. we would be, it s a raw material. this new world would up and everything. our communications, our rights are privacy. in the era of self style promotion, privacy is a revolutionary act. regardless of whether there is something to hide or not, privacy is not secrecy. a private matter is something you don t want the world to know. a secret is something you don t want anybody to know. privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world. freedom with the growth of the internet
The global cryptocurrency market cap today is $845 Billion and surpassed a trillion-dollar value multiple times this year. There are 13,258 cryptocurrencies getting traded across 606 exchanges as of today’s data.
, , Crypto, banking, finance
On October 10, the Imperial Swedish Institute of Sciences declared three beneficiaries of the monetary award previous Central bank Seat Ben Bernanke, and U.S. financial analysts Douglas Jewel and Philip Dybvig for "research on banks and monetary emergencies."
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded a former Fed chair and two economists a Nobel Memorial Prize as many crypto enthusiasts argued Satoshi was a better candidate.
The Granath v Wright trial in Norway is over, with much of the trial’s final day spent with Halvor Manshaus and Halvard Helle of Schjodt giving their closing arguments for Dr. Craig Wright’s defense.