A devastating fire engulfed the residence of Bahadur Ali in Jahirpur village, Kamrup district, leaving two young brothers dead and their mother, Anjuara Begum, severely injured.
The mother of Junmoni Rabha, a slain Assam Police sub-inspector, campaigns for Mira Borthakur Goswami, highlighting the extensive mental support provided by Goswami during difficult times. Sumitra Rabha appeals to voters to support Mira in the upcoming elections, emphasizing the need for a chance to be given to the Congress candidate. Mira promises to engage in healthy politics with dignity, refraining from cheap tactics or personal attacks on rivals.
IFS officer Mayur Hazarika, who hails from Assam, was always great at studies. He was a topper and in 2020, graduated with an MBBS degree. IFS officer Mayur Hazarika completed his schooling at Don Bosco School, Tezpur, Assam.